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Friday Figures - 21 Jun

Keep an eye on our socials next week where we will collate and share with you, a variety of music industry reports released this year. We kick things off today with a reminder that the latest UK Music Diversity Report 2024 is out now! Following the fifth survey since 2016, the findings in this report are taken from the 2,874 respondents who completed the survey between January and March 2024 from across the UK music industry. We look at one of the more insidious barriers to entry and progression; the socio-economic/class issue. Only 20.9% of respondents identified being from a lower socio-economic/working class background and we wonder about all other intersections of identity and how they compare with leadership positions and pay scale.   

So much to unearth and so we suggest you do some Friday reading with UK Music on their Diversity Report 2024 here.