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Friday Figures - 24 Nov

With the launch of the latest survey announced this week, we take another look at third ‘BE THE CHANGE: Gender Equality in the Music Industry’ study from believe, TuneCore and Luminate released earlier this year. Issues of tokenism are still rife, especially when it comes to intersectional identities. The survey found that “Minority industry professionals and creators face heightened discrimination early on in their careers as they are +30% more likely to report being told that their racial, ethnic, tribal background or country of origin is not a good fit for the job.”

Are you a music creator or industry professionals? Responses from all gender identities are welcome for the latest survey, and we encourage you to fill it in and to contribute towards to what is shaping up to be the most robust BE THE CHANGE report to come!

The survey is translated into the following languages: Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Bahasa Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, and Turkish.

Access the 2023 report here.

And take the latest survey in English here.

Find the survey in 14 other languages here.