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Friday Figures - 9 Oct

With a pause on live music globally, there’s no better time for booking agents, venues and programmers to reassess and start implementing strategies for gender balance. In its report, Music Industry Investigation report from the musician’s perspective, The Creative Independent’s survey of nearly 300 musicians found that 41% of musicians reported that at shows they attended or performed at, less than a quarter of performers were cis-women, non-binary, or trans. This snapshot should not be underestimated and written off as anecdotal, whilst again highlighting the need for expansive research into the music industry, we repeatedly see the same issues being thrown up in all geographical territories - and the reason why Keychange and many others like us exist to proactively readdress the gender balance.

Based in New York, The Creative Independent (TCI) is a growing resource of emotional and practical guidance for creative people, published ad-free by Kickstarter, a public-benefit corporation.

Read the full report here.