Apply to be part of the Keychange participant programme in 2023!

APPLICATIONS OPEN: 21st of July 2022
DEADLINE: 28th of September 2022

N.B You must read the criteria below before you apply.

Click on the sections below to read about the criteria of the Keychange Talent Development Programme. Once you have read the criteria, you can apply through the PRS Foundation’s Flexigrant portal via the ‘APPLY TO KEYCHANGE 2023’ button at the end of this page.

You will need to create an account on Flexigrant before you can apply. Once you have created your Flexigrant account, go to the ‘Start a new application’ section to start your Artist or Innovator application.


    • To be eligible for Keychange you must:

      - Be a woman or gender minority

      - Be 18 or over 

      - Live and work in one of our 12 partner countries; Canada, Estonia, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden and the UK.

      - Be able to communicate in and understand English

      - Be an Artist OR an Innovator working in music (e.g. industry professional or executive)

      - Already have a track record in the music industry, or can display strong potential

      - Be ready for international career development

      - Be committed to participating in our movement for change


    • Women and gender minorities are eligible. Keychange has an inclusive approach to equality and aims to support all underrepresented genders. See our FAQs page for more information.

    • Past participants in the Keychange programme are not eligible to apply again.

    • If you work for a Keychange partner, sponsor, festival or contractor (see information here) you are not eligible to apply.


    • Canada

      Artists: Due to Canadian government funding regulations, we cannot select artists signed to international labels. Any artist signed to an international label during the Keychange support programme must return the bursary amount.

      Update your FACTOR Artist profile or create one by the application deadline of 28th September 2022. The information in this profile will provide additional information to the selection committee. Instructions on updating and creating your Artist profile are at this link. New users first need to create a User Profile as per these instructions. If you have any questions, contact your Project Coordinator, or call 416-696-2215/877-696-2215.



      Artists: Applications welcome from artists signed to major labels or publishers, independent labels or publishers and from DIY and self-releasing artists.



      Artists: Applications welcome from artists signed to major labels or publishers, independent labels or publishers and from DIY and self-releasing artists. 

      Selected artists will be required to have at least one stage experience (festival/concert) in France or abroad.



      Artists: Applications welcome from artists signed to major labels or publishers, independent labels or publishers and from DIY and self-releasing artists.


      Artists: Applications welcome from artists signed to major labels or publishers, independent labels or publishers and from DIY and self-releasing artists. Keychange partners recognise the challenges around touring both internationally and locally for Icelandic Artists, so will mostly judge Icelandic applications based on success in other areas (see ‘Who We Are Looking For’ on the Full Call Text page).


      Artists: Applications welcome from artists signed to major labels or publishers, independent labels or publishers and from DIY and self-releasing artists. Note that the criteria of eligibility linked to export readiness of the artists will be key in the selection of participants from Ireland.


      Artists: Italian Keychange partner, Music Innovation Hub (MIH) welcomes applications from artists signed to major labels or publishers, independent labels or publishers and from DIY and self-releasing artists.

      Selected artists will be required to perform tracks deposited in Italy. MIH will give priority to artists based and active in Italy.



      Artists: Applications welcome from artists signed to major labels or publishers, independent labels or publishers and from DIY and self-releasing artists.



      Applications welcome from artists signed to major labels or publishers, independent labels or publishers and from DIY and self-releasing artists.



      Artists: Applications welcome from artists signed to major labels or publishers, independent labels or publishers and from DIY and self-releasing artists.



      Artists: Applications from independent labels or publishers and from DIY and self-releasing artists will be prioritised. Artists applying should be able to finance remaining costs for participation and/or additional musicians either from own resources or seek additional funding from other sources.



      Artists: We welcome applications from artists signed to independent labels or publishers and from DIY and self-releasing artists. If you are signed to a major label or publisher in Europe and/or Canada you will not be eligible for Keychange support. 

      You do not have to be a member of PRS for Music in order to make an application for Keychange as a UK artist. However, you are not eligible if you are a member of another performing rights society; you should be in a position to join PRS at a later stage.

      Selected artists may also be eligible for support through PRS Foundation’s International Showcase Fund should top-up grant support for their selected showcase event be required.


    • The following criteria are key for Artist applicants to be considered:

      - Be able to write and perform their own music, and have enough experience to play music to a live audience

      - Be ready to export, including:

      1: Having a strong following in your country with the potential to break into other markets

      2: Having the beginnings of a professional support team working with them to support business development, or proof of successfully maintaining a self-managed artist career

      Within your application you will be able to show that you are working with, or being closely supported by at least one of the following: artist manager, booking agent, record label, music publisher, PR, plugger or lawyer. This will be judged within the context of your country and genre. For most countries, you will still be eligible if you are signed to a major or independent label or publisher but will be asked to explain why financial support is needed. Some countries place further restrictions. Please see Country-specific criteria above.

      What do we mean by “strong following in your country”?

      You will be able to demonstrate within your application that you have achieved enough within the country in which you are based to stand out to Keychange Partners and international festivals. This will be judged within the context of your country, the export ‘pipeline’, and/or genre and indications might include:

      1. A good touring track record and growing live fanbase

      2. Recognition from the music industry (e.g. radio plays, streaming playlist inclusion, media coverage, awards, industry interest, etc.)

      3. Recognition from the general public (e.g. promising sales/monthly play counts/views/streams/subscriptions/social media followers/sold out shows, etc.)

      4. You will have released a minimum of one sound recording in any format which will have been made available to the general public in your country and will have been released within the last five years

      We are envisaging selecting a mixture of solo artists and bands across a range of music genres and are committed to the network reflecting diverse new music.


    • The following criteria are key for Innovator applicants to be considered:

      - Be pushing the boundaries of music industry practice; demonstrating interest in new business models and innovative ways of working

      - Have a growing professional track record, with at least 4 years of experience working in music (Covid-19 impacts can be outlined in the application form, if relevant). You will need to explain in your application how your experience will ensure that you can make the most of the opportunity. This will be judged within the context of your country and its industry infrastructure. We encourage applications from DIY and independent innovators.

      - Be able to demonstrate their commitment to supporting emerging artists from all backgrounds, have an interest in enabling talented women and gender minorities to flourish, and influencing change across the industry

      - Be working with music whether from within the industry or another creative sector (tech, AV, design) which intersects with new music business models.


    • Following the 28th September 2022 deadline, PRS Foundation will share a list of applicants with each Country Partner who will be responsible for liaising with relevant festivals, sponsors and partners – and in some cases external music expert advisors – to shortlist applicants ahead of a Keychange Partner decision panel which will be held in November 2022. 

      You will be shortlisted by the Keychange Partner(s) and Associate Festivals in your country who will decide if you are ready to be part of Keychange, if you are ready for international career development and if you would make a good addition to the network. Using that shortlist, our Festival Partners will then decide if they would like to book you to attend, perform at, or speak at their festival. This is ultimately how the decision is made if you will be part of the Keychange network, and will be based on how they respond to your music, to your experience and how much they want you to be at their festival.

      Remember: Human beings read your application form. Try to reflect your work as best as you can so they feel excited and connected to you and your work.

      Applicants will be informed by the Keychange team in December 2022.

      Partners will use best endeavours to provide feedback to all applicants. This will be dependent on the level of demand in each country.

      Keychange Partner decisions are final and applicants are encouraged to request feedback and take note of recommendations or signposting to other support programmes. See PRS Foundation’s grievance policy for more information.

      Please ensure that audio or video links shared in the application form work until at least the end of December 2022.


    • During the COVID-19 pandemic, many Keychange activities were forced to move online. While we hope that we can get together in-person in 2023, it’s possible that new restrictions will influence activity and travels. If that’s the case, we will try to be flexible and provide you with similar opportunities online.

      However, please note that Keychange is an international development programme, which will provide participants with mandatory international travels. This may require from participants to be vaccinated against Covid-19 and other diseases. Please contact if you have questions or doubt on this point.