Friday Figures - 12 Feb

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We are constantly reminded of why gender representation is important at all levels and all territories, especially where the Keychange movement started – the underrepresentation of women and gender minority acts at music festivals. In their statistical analysis, Balansekunst found that the percentage of women performing in Norwegian festivals went from 23% in 2014 to 33% in 2015. It fell again to 28% in 2016 and further to 25% in 2018, which tells us the rise in 2015 was an anomaly. A collective movement is integral in not only for global reach, but for countries to also collaborate and learn from each other on best practices in how to reach gender equality. 

Read the Balansekunst analysis here.

Statistical sources:

- Norsk festivalstatistikk 2014

- Norsk festivalstatistikk 2015

- Norsk arrangørstatistikk 2016

- Nasjonal arrangørstatistikk 2018

StatsAysha Hussain