przewiń w dół, aby znaleźć tłumaczenie na język polski
- Music industry discussion on gender, identity and activism
- Music businesses commit to gender equality in Poland
- Avtomat and Karolina Czarnecka announced as the first Polish Ambassadors to promote gender equality in Poland
This is the first year that Poland is an official country partner in the Creative Europe funded Keychange movement for gender equality, and lead festival partners Spring Break alongside Keychange Capacity Building Lead Chimes collaborate on a focus week and panel discussion to explore the barriers for women and gender minorities in Poland, and the role of music in activism in the country.
On Thursday 29th October at 6pm CEST Keychange and Spring Break will host a special event at Klubokawiarnia Tymczasowa (dawniej Meskalina) in Poznań with new Ambassador Avtomat, Karolina Czarnecka, Iwona Skwarek (Rebeka) and Keychange participant Magda Chołyst (Artist in Bloom) for the panel ‘Artysta na barykadach. Czy muzyka może być narzędziem społecznej zmiany?’, translated as ‘Artist on the Barricades. Can Music Be a Tool for Social Change?’. The occasion will be an open discussion in Polish about the current context in Poland and what Keychange is doing with partners to support change. It will be broadcast on Youtube live via Spring Break.
Izabela Rekowska, Spring Break, said: “Our partnership with Keychange sets a tangible goal to achieve gender balance in our line-up. I truly advocate that more festivals should sign the Pledge and join the movement”
Magda Chołyst, Artist in Bloom will be moderating the panel and said: “Being part of the Keychange movement as Participant is an uplifting experience. It's not just inspiring, it enables networking on an international scale leading to unique opportunities for career development, and most of all it expands your mindset. Discovering what is happening outside your bubble is exactly what is needed right now to understand these challenging times.”
Magdalena Jensen who has been planning all training for the 74 Keychange participants this year said: “We have witnessed the dangerous politicization of gender in Poland this year with the President inciting hate speech as part of his reelection campaign. Sadly, that makes the Keychange movement even more relevant and important in Poland - it’s so important to take a stance for human rights, build bridges and strong support networks and it’s encouraging to see Keychange leading the way in our music industry.”
Over 350 organisations and companies have now signed the Keychange Pledge since its launch in 2017. Today Keychange announces 3 new Polish signatories Ethno Port, Chimes, and record label, music publisher, management and concert agency Kayax. These music businesses have signed the Keychange gender equality pledge towards achieving 50% representation of women and under-represented genders.
Keychange is proud to announce the appointment of the first Polish Ambassadors to further the movement for gender diversity: Avtomat and Karolina Czarnecka. Avtomat is an openly queer composer, producer, DJ and vocalist, proud member of the Oramics and Ciężki Brokat crews, co-creator of Radio Kapitał, and also a graphic designer, typographer and 3D illustrator. Karolina Czarnecka is an interdisciplinary artist, joining in her creative process various domains of art– while exploring the limits and stretching out their own boundaries. She became recognized after performing “Hera, koka, hasz, LDS” song at the Stage Song Contest in Wrocław. She’s an actress and a puppeteer, a member of a music cabaret Pożar w Burdelu (The Fire in a Brothel) and a feminist punk group Gang Śródmieście (The Downtown Gang).
Karolina Czarnecka said, “I grew up in Poland, a catholic and patriarchal society. It’s in my blood. It’s my heritage. Fortunately, I don’t know how, but there has always been freedom in my mind. Freedom is my truth. This is my everyday aim also in art. Everybody deserves it, without exception. Our words and actions have power, I believe we have influence on the world around us, even if it’s only our backyard.”
Avtomat said, “I'm thrilled to be an ambassador for Keychange for the same reason I've been fighting against injustice in Poland - so that everyone can participate in the scene with equal chances.”
As campaigners for gender equality in music, Keychange invests in emerging talent with a yearly participation programme, whilst continuing to encourage festivals, conferences and a growing range of music organisations and institutions to sign a pledge to include at least 50% women and under-represented genders in their programming, staffing and beyond by 2022. The current list spans 40 countries and over 350 organisations such as Enea Spring Break Showcase Festival & Conference, Katowice JazzArt Festival, Different Sounds Festival, RespublicaFEST (Ukraine), The Valley of the Arts (Hungary) and more. See the full list here.
In addition to the ongoing Keychange Pledge, 74 participants – a roster made up of emerging artists and innovators within the music industry – are selected each year from across Europe and Canada to take part in international festivals, showcase events, collaborations and a programme of creative labs. Exceptionally, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Keychange 2020 participants will see their involvement extended until December 2021, in order to allow for travel and development to take place in the following year, with online mentoring, panels, and workshops run by Capacity Building Lead, Chimes until then. Partners across Europe and Canada will host discussions around the national gender equality climate during 2020.
Poland’s Keychange participants for 2020/21 are:
Magda Chołyst, the innovative founder of Artist in Bloom – a creative space and pop-up school dedicated to artists who need support in transferring bold ideas into projects, strategies and effective, meaningful actions. Aleksandra Jabłońska, who graduated from the Warsaw-based Academy of Music Managers and has since worked in many different roles such as booking assistant, event manager and production manager at Stodoła. She recently started her own company OFFbeat Music Agency. Ievgeniia Ivanova is Senior Digital Marketing Manager at Independent Digital, and is responsible for promoting independent artists on platforms such as Spotify, TikTok, Amazon Music, and NetEase. Mehehe are two young musicians who bring together their varied backgrounds in classical, popular, ethnic and contemporary music to explore the roots of Polish village music and its folk magic traditions. Composer, pianist, performance and interdisciplinary artist, Joanna Duda is the founder of several projects including Super Extra Trio, AuAuA, Miód, J=J, 3D and Hotgod. Ai fen is the new solo venture of Polish/Chinese musician and producer Ewelina Vlcek-Chiu. After five years of releasing music, touring, and collaborating with artists, performers and filmmakers as part of the witchwave duo ba:zel, Ai fen emerged with a visceral "screamo-pop" sound.
Spring Break are the lead partner for Keychange in Poland and will host 6 international Keychange participants, as well as the Polish participants in 2021. Announcing yesterday the first names for their 2021 line-up, they have committed to gender equality on their line-up.
Listen to the Polish Keychange artists on Spotify here and on SoundCloud here.
KEYCHANGE – ruch na rzecz równości płci rozszerza swoje działania w Polsce
- Panel „Artysta na barykadach. Czy muzyka może być narzędziem społecznej zmiany?” Dyskusja przedstawicieli przemysłu muzycznego na temat płci, tożsamości i aktywizacji
- Reprezentanci branży muzycznej deklarują zobowiązanie się do poszanowania dla równości płci w Polsce
- Avtomat i Karolina Czarnecka ogłoszeni pierwszymi, polskimi ambasadorami Keychange
Spring Break oraz agencja Chimes są głównymi partnerami Keychange po raz pierwszy wspierając działania organizacji w Polsce. Spring Break jako festiwal partnerski współorganizuje także tydzień tematyczny i dyskusję panelową nt. barier społecznych stojących przed kobietami i mniejszościami płciowymi w Polsce oraz o roli muzyki w uświadamianiu i aktywizacji społecznej.
- W czwartek 29.10 o 18:00 - Keychange i Spring Break zorganizują specjalne wydarzenie online. W panelu „Artysta na barykadach. Czy muzyka może być narzędziem społecznej zmiany?” wezmą udział: nowi ambasadorzy – Avtomat, Karolina Czarnecka i Iwona Skwarek (Rebeka) oraz Magda Chołyst (Artist in Bloom). Spotkanie będzie okazją do otwartej dyskusji na temat aktualnego kontekstu w Polsce i o działaniach Keychange i partnerów, wspierających zmianę społeczną. Panel będzie transmitowany na żywo na oficjalnym kanale YouTube festiwalu za pośrednictwem strony fb Spring Break i Keychange.
- Ponad 350 organizacji i firm podpisało Zobowiązanie Keychange od czasu jego publikacji w 2017 roku. Dziś ogłaszamy trzech nowych polskich sygnatariuszy, w tym wytwórnię muzyczną Kayax. Te firmy muzyczne podpisały Zobowiązanie Keychange dotyczące równości płci, w celu osiągnięcia 50% reprezentacji kobiet i mniejszości płciowych.
- Z dumą ogłaszamy powołanie pierwszych polskich ambasadorów wspierających ruch na rzecz różnorodności płci: Avtomat i Karolina Czarnecka. Avtomat to jawnie queerowy kompozytor, producent, DJ i wokalista, , a także grafik, typograf i ilustrator 3D. Karolina Czarnecka porusza się po różnych dziedzinach sztuki i bada ich granice. Jest interdyscyplinarną artystką, wokalistką i performerką; działająca solo i w zespole Gang Śródmieście.
Każdego roku wschodzący artyści i przedstawiciele branży muzycznej z całej Europy i Kanady, biorą w ramach Keychange udział w międzynarodowych festiwalach, pokazach i wydarzeniach. Uczestnicy Poland Keychange na rok 2020/21 to: Magda Chołyst, Aleksandra Jabłońska, Ievgeniia Ivanova, Basia Songin (Mehehe), Joanna Duda, Ai fen.
O Keychange
Jako działacze na rzecz równości płci w muzyce, inwestujemy w muzyczne talenty, jednocześnie zachęcając festiwale oraz coraz większą liczbę organizacji i instytucji muzycznych do podpisania zobowiązania, o obsadzie co najmniej 50% kobiet i mniejszości płciowych w swoich działaniach do 2022 roku. Obecna lista obejmuje 40 krajów i ponad 350 organizacji, takich jak Enea Spring Break Showcase Festival & Conference, Katowice JazzArt Festival, Different Sounds Festival, RespublicaFEST (Ukraina), The Valley of the Arts (Węgry) i nie tylko. Zobacz pełną listę tutaj.
Keychange ma na celu przyspieszenie zmian i stworzenie lepszego, bardziej otwartego przemysłu muzycznego dla obecnych i przyszłych pokoleń.
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