Anne Erm

The Estonian recipient of the Keychange Inspiration Award is Director and Art director of the Jazzkaar Festival, Anne Erm.

Anne Erm has been selected as the Estonian Keychange Inspiration Award winner for her role as founder and Director of  Tallinn International festival JazzKaar, which Anne set up in 1990. (Festival runs 10 days and includes 100 concerts in 10 Estonian cities.)

Upon receiving the award, Anne Erm said, “It is a great honour to receive this recognition. I’m proud where Estonian jazz stands today and am sure it will continue blooming and inspiring young generations.”

Helen Sildna, Head of Tallinn Music Week festival said “Huge congratulations to Anne Erm who deservedly receives this award in recognition of her stamina, resilience and decades of inspirational work with Jazzkaar Festival and in developing the music scene in Tallinn, Estonia. Anne’s dedication has been a huge inspiration and encouragement to myself and our team in setting up Tallinn Music Week 10 years ago. Jazzkaar has been a role model to us as well as great colleagues in pushing forward the Estonian music life. We have been able to learn from the best.

Vanessa Reed, CEO of PRS Foundation and Founder of Keychange said “Keychange partners are delighted to present this award to Anne who shows what can be achieved when you’re passionate about creating something new and are prepared to take the risks that implies. We’re also pleased to see Anne’s impact on the next generation through our involvement with Merli Antsmaa from the Jazzkaar team in the Keychange programme and Helen Sildna’s recognition of Anne’s impact on her own success story with Tallinn Music Week.

Awarded at: Tallinn Music Week

Expertise: Festivals, Jazz.

Jazzkaar Website