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Sara Colantonio

Sara Colantonio started her career in the music industry in 2004 as radio speaker and DJ.. In 2010 Sara founded "Bassa Fedeltà", a gig agency, which became a music label and management firm in 2015, and also a music publishing company in 2020. From 2018 to 2021 Sara was the Community Coordinator of Italy and she has been one the Mentoring Managers of the 2020 she.grows Project. In 2021 she has been co-founder of Equaly, the first Italian institution for gender equality in the music business. She is a teacher for the Master Degree in Digital Communication, Technologies and Culture at Sapienza University of Rome.

Participant as: Innovator

Expertise: A&R, Artist Management, Label Management, Publishing

Link to work: Website

Links to social: Instagram, Instagram, Twitter