What does it mean to nominate?
We need your help to find our allies and spokespersons. If you nominate a public figure to Keychange, it will be an opportunity for us to present ourselves and our movement to someone who might be able to help us make a change. Give us your best ideas on artists, creators, influencers and advocates!
Why should I nominate a public figure?
Women and gender minorities are underrepresented in almost all areas in the music industry. There are barriers that prevent women and gender minorities from being represented. Public figures have platforms to advocate and influence from, and Keychange has the means to help them. The person you nominate might even be the perfect Keychange Ambassador.
How does it work?
Send your suggestion to the Keychange Team and we will get back to your appointee with a notice that they’ve been nominated. We won’t share information of who submitted the nomination, nor the reasons for doing so.
What happens next?
The Keychange Team will get in touch with your nominee and explain our cause and why we think it’s important. We will ask them to join us, as well as offer them support in doing so. If they are chosen as a Keychange Ambassador, they will be marketed within our network and throughout our whole project.
“Equality in the music industry is obviously extremely important - for everybody. It’s a human issue, it’s not just a female issue. It makes the whole world more interesting because there’s a more fully-rounded creative output. To be honest, I think we still have so much to do and to fight for. I want to be a part of that change.“
Kate Nash, Keychange Ambassador