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Swedish Podcasts on Music and the Music Industry

Today’s thought top up with Recharge comes from Sweden! We have a great list of podcasts on Swedish music and the music industry. It’s important to remember that conversations and resources must also be discussed, collated and shared in local language contexts as part of the wider debate, acknowledging the specificities of differing cultural landscapes of debate.

If you have any podcasts suggestions from your country, let us know in the comments, we would love to hear from you!


Keychange Ambassador Linnea Henriksson’s podcast that focuses on the most powerful in the Swedish music industry. And yes, they all identify as women.

Den Svenska Musikhistorien

All you want to know about music throughout Swedish history. Listen to episode 51, 82 and 104 for example!


All you want to know about Sweden’s music business - take a special look at episode 91 about Keychange and episode 47, 85, 86 and 89 on gender equality and representation.

Snedtänkt med Kalle Lind

Find out more on women in Swedish music history on the episodes “ Om Röda Bönor” and “Om svenska rockpionjärer”