ICMP - International Confederation of Music Publishers

ICMP is the global trade body representing the music publishing industry worldwide. ICMP’s membership comprises the leading ‘Major’ and several hundred ‘Indie’ music companies, as well as 64 national trade associations spanning 6 continents (Europe, North and South America, Africa, Australasia and Asia).

ICMP represents more than 90% of the world’s music i.e. more than 100 million works of more than 5,000 genres - - from Billie Eilish to Brahms, Dylan to Dvorak, Radiohead to Ravel. Our sector delivers the world’s catalogue to a global audience of billions via digital, Radio, live, TV, film, gaming and physical formats.

Some of member companies are among the oldest in the world - established in the 1700s. Others are among the most modern and digitised - driving technologies such as A.I., livestreaming and mobile access to music for music lovers, makers and fans worldwide.

ICMP’s daily mission is to grow the value of music, defend the rights of creators and to ensure the best cultural and commercial conditions for music to thrive.
