Esther Cid

Esther Cid is a Psychologist, talent connector, Singer & Innovator,Entrepreneur, expert in Human Resources and talent management. Ester has a Masters Degree in Human Resources Management, and is a postgraduate in Marketing Online and Postgraduate in Global Music Business Management.

Passionate about empowering people, talent, entrepreneurship, technology & innovation through global music industry.

More than +16 years of experience recruiting and developing talent , discovering new talents and mentoring and empower talented women in global music business industry. #mentoring #diversity&inclusion #reskilling #upskilling #onboarding.

Awarded Most Creative in Business by Forbes 2022, International speaker, Active member for Mujeres en la Industria de la Música (MIM) and Women entrepreneur for AcademyforWomenEntrepreneurs(AWE).


Participant as: Innovator

Expertise: HR, Marketing, Psychologist

Links to social: Instagram, LinkedIn, Spotify