With the global influence of American culture on music, art and fashion, today we look back at the Grammy Awards and its nominations. Following on from the updated, Spotify funded…
Read MoreThe gender pay gap is an all-pervasive issue and no industry is left untouched by this. According to Eurostat (2018) Estonia has the biggest gender pay gap in Europe, standing at 22.7%…
Read MoreOf Board Members across 12 UK music trade bodies, 34% are women. To truly affect change, we must keep looking into decision making positions within music organisations, whether it’s a trade body…
Read MoreFollowing on from the previous statistic from A Seat at the Table, of the 9% of women in the Chairperson role, 0% are Black women. It also must be noted that in the same report, of 27% of women…
Read MoreFor today’s Friday Figures, we reflect on a most timely and urgent report. The release of Women In Ctrl‘s 'Seat at the Table' analyses the make-up of the team, board members, Chairperson and…
Read MoreIn a similar study for the Live DMA Survey Report in The Netherlands, the VNPF found that in its analysis, 20% of the production staff at live music venues were female. A reminder that we must…
Read MoreGender breakdowns in job roles are still striking (and as we have seen recently with gender pay gaps in the music industry in the UK, it doesn’t stop there). It’s worth also observing statistics…
Read MoreIn the last figure today, we take a quick look at numbers around artist rosters and representation. In their recent report, ROSTR found that across the top 1000 management companies analysed…
Read MoreIn today's Friday Figures we take a brief look at the live music sector. Live DMA is a network of music venues associations across Europe and represents 2597 live music venues and clubs…
Read MoreFollowing on from the previous number, the report also highlighted that a “total of 3,330 songwriters were credited on the seven-year sample. A full 87.7% were males and 12.3% were females…
Read MoreIt goes without saying that popular music consumption around the globe is largely influenced by the US. We take a look at some stats n the Inclusion in the Recording Studio report from the USC Annenberg…
Read MoreWhen considering a different genre, say electronic music in a live music context, the gender disparity continues to be pronounced. Given Keychange’s manifesto and pledge perspective, this is central…
Read MoreIt raises many questions when gender balance, or lack thereof, runs heavily throughout differing genres, from the classical to the contemporary. Here is a number to delve into and reflect…
Read MoreThe report, “Inclusion in the Recording Studio?” is the third annual report on the music industry from Professor Stacy L. Smith and the USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative. Funded by Spotify,…
Read More“A total of 899 individuals were nominated for a Grammy Award between 2013 and 2018. 90.7% of those were male and and 9.3% were female.” A self-explanatory figure just goes to show that…
Sometimes we need to look at the most obvious numbers to really think about the gender disparity and representation in all facets of life when the global population gender split is basically even…
Read More‘The survey “Singing Europe” 2013 – 2014” includes some gender information in terms of presence in Choirs and Chorales: 5.4% of the female population is singing in a group, against 2.6% of men…
Read More‘The statistics of the Donne project (Drama Musica – Women in Music) show that of 3, 524 musical works, 9.6% were written by men and only 82 (2.3%) by women.’ Time to reflect both behind the scenes as well as…
Read MoreIn today’s Friday Figures, we look a little closer to home. Across Keychange’s participating countries’ collecting societies women represent 20% or less of registered composers and songwriters…
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