We would like to acknowledge that many of our pledgers have been working towards gender balance long before we came along, such as Swedish signatories Föreningen Svenska…
Read MoreTo continue to challenge ourselves to shed light on a diverse range of topics and genres in the industry, today we look at the world of composers. For some insight, in their research…
Read MoreWith the addition of 6 new European music networks (AEC - Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen, ECSA - European Composer…
Read MoreOf EU countries for which data are available, Eurostats found that in 2019, women’s gross hourly earnings were on average 14.1% below those of men in the EU. Additionally, the gender pay gap differs…
Read MoreContinuing the leadership theme, in their research for the Harvard Business Review, Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman found that “women scored at a statistically significantly…
Read MoreWith the theme of this year’s International Women’s Day around leadership, we take a look at the UN Secretary-General report (2020). It found that women are Heads of State in 22 countries…
Read MoreWe are proud to announce that 7 Irish organisations in total have now signed the Keychange gender pledge; Choice Music Prize, Foggy Notions, The Folly @ Cullohill, Ireland Music Week…
Read MoreIn today’s Friday Figures, we chart and reflect on the impact of taking the pledge from Ireland Music Week, having reached gender balance since then, and the knock on effect this has had…
Read MoreWith 15 new signatories on board, 17 Icelandic organisations in total have now signed the Keychange gender pledge; Iceland Airwaves, LungA Arts Festival, FTT, FÍH, Gaukurinn…
Read MoreThank you to our sponsors STEF for providing us today with some stats from their membership breakdown. The gender breakdown for 2020 of members was 19.8% women…
Read MoreWe are pleased to announce that with 11 new organisations on board, we now have a total of 21 Norwegian Keychange signatories taking the Pledge! Thank you to Cosmopolite, Festspillene…
Read MoreWe are constantly reminded of why gender representation is important at all levels and all territories, especially where the Keychange movement started – the underrepresentation of women and gender…
Read MoreWe are pleased to announce that we have 22 Swedish pledge signatories on board! A commitment to a proactive call for a gender balanced music industry means that we can all work collaboratively…
Read MoreIn keeping up with the pandemic and its impact, we take a look at how this has affected Sweden’s artists. Musikcentrum Riks' survey was answered by 964 musicians and artists, representing…
Read MoreIt’s not a given that all pairings of a mentor/mentee relationship will work, so it was heartening to find that in a survey, at 80.6%, a significant number of our participants of the shesaid.so's we.grow…
Read MoreOne of the motivations behind shesaid.so’s mentoring programme was the observation and question - as women progress in their careers throughout the industry over time, why does the…
Read MoreAs industries scramble for funds and limited help available from governments and other sources during the pandemic, it must be remembered that the contributions of the music industry to…
Read MoreToday we give a nod to the initial motivations of Keychange in seeking gender balance in a music festival context. A recent study by Centre National de la Musique found that in 2019, of 100 music…
Read MoreEchoing last week’s Friday Figures, another all-time first at this year’s Grammy Awards sees all 5 women-led nominations - for Best Country Album! Which also leads us onto acknowledge…
Read MoreLike all other areas of the music industry, there is still a long way to go in tackling gender imbalance in composition and song writing. The ‘Analysis of market trends and gaps in funding needs for the…
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